Sunday, March 3, 2013

Getting all inky!!

Wow February seemed to just fly by, here we are a new month and spring is just around the corner!!  This also means that the kids hockey season is soon over...phew we survived another one!

I spent some time this weekend playing with my dies, ink & embossing powder and made myself a fun & creative little calendar!

To me there is nothing better than taking left over plain boring chipboard and turning it into something new & creative!!

Now I have somewhere to keep track of all my CT assigments, and when the year is over I can replace the calendar portion with more art....or make a new calendar for next year!

You can see more details about how I made this and the products I used on the Love Is In The Details blog!

Hope you've had a great weekend and made something creative!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I love those unique elongated wings, and love the glitter-embossed gears too...what a cool calendar!
